Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Aunts, Uncle & Cousins on the Zimmerman Side

Good Morning! No, I have not arrived yet, so keep up the prayers. I have another non-stress test and ultrasound today to make sure all is okay. At least we know Friday is the day whether I like it or not, thought Mommy and Daddy would be SO HAPPY if I came on my own without being induced.

I'd like to introduce my Daddy's sisters (my aunts) to you - Kris and Kathy. They are fraternal twins (which means they don't look alike). Here they are in all their glory back in the day:

Kris is married to John (my uncle):

And they have 2 children: Katelyn (Kate) who is 15 (cool, I have a teenager for a cousin!):

And Allison (Allie) who is 9 (she's a lot of fun!):

Here they are together looking too adorable:

And here is a picture of Aunt Kathy:

So now you've met all of my aunts, uncles and cousins. If I hang out in here some more, I'm going to introduce you to some more family tomorrow. Have a great day!


  1. Hi!
    Happy New Year with Love and support for Xia and her family!

    love from amy in brooklyn!

  2. Thanks Amy! We are doing great and just W..A..I..T..I..N..G.....

    Love Xia and Mommy

  3. Oh my goodness! I remember K & K (aka "the Squigglies") looking just like their picture! Can I really be so old.....
    Tell your Mom I'm thinking of her!


  4. Hi Margie,

    I had never heard of "The Squigglies"! My mom says thanks for thinking of her :-)

