A daily dose of Xia & Isa does the body good. Follow a journey of life from before birth and on. See the world through the eyes of new lives - Xia&IsaLife!
Every year one of the famies make ALL of these T-shirts for all of us. They are always SO creative about it. This year's theme was an election logo spoof. It said Orendorff - Snyder '08. Orendorff was Great Grandpa's last name and Snyder was Great Grandma's last name. It was funny because people in the park kept asking what the campaign was all about that we were having this big shin dig for. Celebrating the 2 of them starting this whole clan - that's what we were doing!
First, a show of 9 of the 12 children of Great Grandpa and Great Grandma. Joanne was on vacation, Jerry could not make it from California and Tom passed away a few years ago (his wife Kathy is in his spot). So from the left, youngest to oldest are 10 of my Great Aunts and Great Uncles and of course Grandma (Judy): Lori, Bobbi, (Jerry would be here), Debbie, Cathy, Kathy (Tom's wife), Judy, Dick, MaryBeth, Patti, (Joanne would be here) and Harry
Here's Harry's family:
Here's just part of Joanne's family...many were on vacation :-(
Here's Patti's family (but not all of them!):
Here's Dick's family:
Here's Judy's (Grandma's) family - recognize anyone? Kira and Marlon were visiting relatives and couldn't be with us this year :-(
Here's Tom's family (almost all of them):
Here's Cathy's family:
Here's Debbie's family:
And Bobbi's family (minus her husband as he came later straight from work):
And just some random shots of the blue sea from the rest of the day. First, me telling Mommy where I was about to plant a kiss:
Next, a game of Jeopardy based on Family Trivia, this was fun!
Gus (short for Angus), the youngest and newest member of the family looking SOOOOO cute (Yes, I had to give up that title from last year):
And 2 shots from the crowd hard at work trying to win the Jeopardy game:
Mommy found it very hard to talk to people this year as I was pretty much running around the park and having a blast most of the day. I'll leave this post with one of my escapades running off to play with a most exciting item - you guessed it - a stick!
On Saturday, I decided to fall asleep on the way to the big reunion. This was probably good as a big day laid ahead of me:
Mommy laid a blanket on the ground and let me sleep away. The blanket in these photos is about as old as my Mommy - it's been passed around the family quite a bit. A lot of people recognized it LOL:
Another big gathering of my Mommy's side of the family happened over the weekend. The annual Orendorff Reunion took place on Saturday 6/21 at Mack Park in Indiana PA. We look forward to this every year (well, this is really only MY second one).
First, here I am in the car on the way to the reunion (a 4 hour ride). I slept the first 2 hours and then Mommy and Daddy entertained me with songs, water bottles and anything they could think of for the other 2 hours. Finally, on the last leg of the trip, they put the windows down and I squealed with delight as we went down the big hills of the Allegheny "Mountains" that are out in Western PA. I loved the wind whipping into the car. Of course, when Mommy went to take the video, I refused to perform, but these are still pretty cute:
We did pretty good at garage sales again this past weekend. On Saturday 6/14/08, Daddy found this great little desk for me at a flea market. I LOVE IT!! Can you tell?
Daddy and I had a blast at the Family Farm Days at Oregon Dairy on Wednesday 6/11/08. There was so much to do - Tractor and Wagon rides from the store to the farm, a tour of the barn and milking facility with ALL those MOOOO cows (I love to say "Mooooo"), a straw tunnel to crawl through, free ice cream and milk, and more!!
My favorite spot was the "sand" box; however it was really the dried corn box:
I was quite enthralled by the talking chicken (or is it a rooster?):
And I couldn't figure out why this cow didn't moo?
My good friend Angela, aka Angie, turned 3 on Sunday 6/8/08. She had a big birthday party on Saturday 6/7/08. It was 97 degrees - thank goodness there was water play involved!! You've seen her on this blog many times before, she's Mommy's Goddaughter.
There were so many different activities to do and each were so much fun. Angie's Mommy (Valerie) had hung up big posterboard and had these great neon paints we could use to paint on them. This is the first time I did such a thing - I think I'm pretty good!
Next we played pin the nose on the smiley face. I decided my belly was a much better spot for a nose!
Then we all changed into our bathing suits and had a great time on the slip n slide
Notice the little tent in the back, there you could use some paints to paint your face, very cool. Angie gave me some nice designs all over my face. Didn't get a picture of that one.
Then it was time to sing "Happy Birthday" and blow out the candles:
Happy 3 years Angela! I'm glad I got to come to your AWESOME party :-)
Yes, it's time for your favorite - the monthly update. On Thursday 6/5 I hit the 17 month mark. As I approach the 1.5 year mark, much is happening. I am saying LOTS of words. Mama, Dada, Ball, Door, No, Yes, Bye-Bye, Meee-ow, Hoo-hoo (and a host of other animal sounds) - and the list goes on. I'm pretty steady on my feet these days and like to run and jump too. I give lots of hugs and kisses and can brush my own teeth - though I haven't mastered the art of spitting at this point, so no fluorided tooth-pastes for me. I eat a wide variety of foods and bottles are now completely a thing of the past.
So here I am:
And then Mommy and Herbie decided to join me (Herbie is giving Mommy a love rub on her head LOL):
Here's some shots Daddy took of me the same day at lunch time- gotta love fresh pineapple:
Really Daddy, ANOTHER picture - okay - strike a pose...
We are members of such an awesome church! On Sunday 6/1/08 we had our yearly church picnic. It was a great time and the weather was just right (even though it threatened to rain a couple of times). There was great entertainment by one of our parishioners who is a talented contortionist, juggler, humorist, you name it!
Here I am showing Mommy a piece of balloon from the water balloon battle (yes, she grabbed it very quickly, apparently we little ones can choke easily on these things)Hmmm - is soccer in my future?
Here's a shot of the kid's tug-of-war - the right side won!
Here's my Godsister, Alison, looking very grown up:
Daddy and my Godfather, Phil, played frisbee for a LONG time:
Here is Phil again, taking a break from cooking up the burgers and hot dogs. I had fun hiding from him behind the tree - but he kept finding me!
We are Xia Yeriel Zimmerman and Isa Serena Zimmerman. Xia was born on 1/5/07 and Isa was born on 3/30/09. Here is where we share our journey in this life with you through written word, photos and videos. Hope you enjoy Xia&IsaLife!
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